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#MeToo: Nordens och Storbritanniens musikerfackförbund i gemensamt uttalande

Bristande jämställdhet och sexuella trakasserier i musikbranschen stod överst på agendan när Nordens samlade musikerförbund (NMU) och British Musicians’ Union sammanträdde i Stockholm. Under mötet enades man om en handlingsplan med konkreta åtgärder för att tackla sexismen och tog fram ett gemensamt uttalande. Läs det i sin helhet här.


In Stockholm this week a meeting of the NMU, Nordic Musicians’ Unions, and the BMU, British Musicians’ Union, discussed the issue of gender inequality, sexism and sexual harassment, the scale of which had been highlighted by the recent #MeToo-campaign. There was full acknowledgement of the extent of the problem in the performing arts. All the union representatives agreed that tackling the problem should be prioritized.

It was agreed that the unions will, in the first instance, initiate a process of evidence gathering through confidential surveys and through the creation of an environment where members feel safe in sharing their experiences.

The unions will also liaise with employers, engagers and other areas of the industry in order to involve all stake holders. Following this, appropriate advice and support mechanisms utilizing trained officers and officials will be introduced to tackle the problem head on.

Finally, the NMU and the BMU will ensure that the International Federation of Musicians (FIM) applies a similar priority to this issue.

Svenska musikerförbundet
SYMF (Sveriges Yrkesmusikerförbund)
Dansk Musiker Forbund (danska musikerförbundet)
Muusikkojen liitto (finska musikerförbundet)
Félag íslenskra hljómlistarmanna (isländska musikerförbundet)
British Musicans’ Union (engelska musikerförbundet)
MFO – Musikernes fellesorganisasjon (norska musikerförbundet)

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